Articles with Tag(s): "farming"

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Planning Your Farm Water Storage: An Overview

April 26, 2018
Identifying water storage facilities that you will need is important when carefully planning the water resources required by your rural property or farm. It requires a good understanding of your water sources and their proximity to where you need the water. Careful planning will ensure your water is efficiently stored and easily accessible at the right locations […]
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Water Quality Factors in Farm Stock Water Supply

April 26, 2018
Water supplied to farms whether from surface water sources like dams and waterway, groundwater sources like bore water or rainwater can contain: materials which are physically suspended in the water materials which are chemically dissolved in the waterstock organisms or biological material. Whether or not they will be harmful depends upon the type, quantity and use of your water. While there […]
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How to Calculate Your Farm Water Needs

April 26, 2018
If you run a farming business in rural Australia then obviously it is vital to have a renewable and affordable water supply. You may have access to water on your property, but if it isn’t enough or you need to truck in a lot, then your farming business may not be sustainable. Your first step […]
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Using Surface Water in Farming

April 26, 2018
Surface water is the common term used to describe water that can be found above ground on the land. Common sources include water from rivers and creeks or a water reservoir such as a dam or lake. This water is replenished from rainfall and run-off flowing into valleys and natural folds in the land. Usage […]
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Evaluating the Quality of Your Farm’s Water Sources

April 26, 2018
Water for your property can come from a variety of sources, and its quality will often differ across these sources. So you need an understanding what each of your available water sources would be suitable for based on their quality. In our article Types of Rural Water Sources in Farming we identified a wide range of natural water […]
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Types of Rural Water Sources in Farming

April 26, 2018
Most farms in regional Australia do not have direct access to a town water supply pushing them to consider alternative sustainable sources of water. Water can come from a number of natural sources including dams, bores and aquifers, rivers and creeks, rainwater and stormwater. However the quality of the water varies per source, with some […]
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Carting in Stock Water for Drought Preparation

April 26, 2018
If you have experienced periods of drought as a farmer, then you will understand sometimes your only water source option left is to have water transported to your farm. As rainwater stops falling, dams dry up and groundwater stops being replenished either water is carted in or livestock die. Stock Water Requirements and Costs Stock […]
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How to Calculate Water Storage Needs for Livestock

April 26, 2018
We have compiled the information in this article to help you estimate your water storage needs for stock farms. This cannot replace real world experience in a particular location and place, so should be taken into consideration as best estimate. Water Requirements for Stock The water consumption figures quoted below have a wide range depending […]
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How to Plan Your Farm Water Storage

March 7, 2018
As a farmer or someone dealing with agriculture you would understand that water means everything to your land or livestock, family and business. The consequences of not having water are tragic and so it is extremely important to know how much water you need. The Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI) estimate that: […]