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Small Water Tank Options for Storing Rainwater on Limited Property Space

The Urban Development Institute released its State of the Land Report for 2016. The trend of lot sizes of new residential land supply continues to shrink with the new average median lot size now 453 square metres across Australia. This is down by 4.3% over 2015, and down 12.2% since 2010.

Quick Facts – Shrinking Lot Sizes Across Australia

  • Sydney, NSW lot sizes fell to 454m2 (2015) from 456m2 (2014)
  • Melbourne, Victoria lot sizes fell to 430m2 (2015) from 445m2 (2014)
  • Brisbane, Queensland fell to 488m2 (2015) from 509m2 (2014)
  • Adelaide, South Australia fell to 423m2 (2015) from 444m2 (2014)
  • Perth, Western Australia had the largest fall to 395m2 (2015) from 427m2 (2014)
Source: UDIA 2016 State of the Land Report

Smaller Rainwater Tank Models

With shrinking plot sizes, it is quite possible that when it comes to buying a rainwater tank you will have limited space to work with. If this is you, then Clark Tanks have several smaller tank options that might be of interest. Also keep in mind that two or more rainwater tanks can also be coupled together.

1. Slimline Water TanksSlimline Water Tanks

Slimline tanks are designed for narrow spaces on your property. They are best placed along the side of your house or fence line. If placing near your boundary, check with your council as normally they need to be more than 500mm within.

Clark Tank’s slimline tanks are available from 2,000 litres up to 5,000 litres. They combine visual appeal with industry-leading integral strength. Their durability and light weight allows homeowners to change the tank’s location to fit in with the changing style of their home.


2. Round Water TanksRound Water Tanks

While the traditional corrugated round 5000 gallon water tanks are a popular option, you may not have the luxury of being able to install a tank this large. Thankfully, round water tanks can also be purchased in smaller sizes from 1,000 up to 10,000 litres in capacities which can be joined together.

Clark Tanks’ round water tanks are designed with stylish good looks and are available in a range of colours. The traditional ribbed profile ensures maximum integral strength, which means that full, or empty, the shape of your rainwater tank will remain the same.


3. Underground Water Tanks

If you have limited space above ground, then you might want to consider going with an underground storage tank. The beauty of having an underground water tank is that they remain entirely out of sight. Depending on the type of underground tank, you can place them under pavement, under your driveway or under the lawn in your front or back yard.Underground Water Tanks

Clark Tanks offers compact underground poly tanks that are great for storing rainwater from your roof, or stormwater harvested from ground surface areas:

  • 1,600 litres (350 gallons)
  • 3,000 litres (660 gallons)
  • 5,000 litres (1,100 gallons)

These “Li-Lo” underground tanks only require shallow excavation. You only need a hole about 1 metre deep (1.3 metres for the largest 5,000L size). They are also modular in design and can be linked to increase your overall storage capacity.

Final Remarks on Small Rainwater Tanks

While smaller rainwaters tanks might be easier to install, we recommend consulting a plumber who is licensed in your state and has experience plumbing-in water tanks. Especially if you a looking to connect two or more water tanks together.

Clark Tanks manufacture a wide range of rainwater tanks to suit almost any situation and can advise on the most cost-effective tanks suitable to your needs. We have friendly staff who would be happy to advise and help you choose the right solution for your needs.